
Download i want to find true love
Download i want to find true love

An accurate assessment of your own mate value can help prevent wasted energy and streamline your search towards potentially interested partners.

download i want to find true love

If you're not sure of how much you have to offer, taking a closer look could be worth it.

  • Do you know your value as a potential partner? Knowing how desirable others perceive you as a potential partner tends to be difficult, but agreeable women and sexually unrestricted men tend to be better at it (Back et al., 2011).
  • With such personal investment comes risk, but being vulnerable and open is essential to fostering commitment and relationship stability. That can mean money-dates can be expensive-but also emotional investment and investments of time and energy.
  • Are you really prepared to invest? Relationships that last require investment (Rusbult, 1980).
  • This suggests that pursuing a short-term relationship as a way to find a long-term relationship isn't necessarily a good idea. In fact, whereas similar people tend to pair off for long-term relationships, opposites often attract for short-term flings (Amodio & Showers, 2005). We generally pursue short-term partners differently than we do long-term partners the desired characteristics are different, too (Regan et al., 2000).

    download i want to find true love

  • Do you know what you want? Are you looking for a hook-up or a spouse? Be honest with yourself and find ways to be consistent with your goal.

  • Download i want to find true love